swamp buggy

2 07, 2021

Working in Wetland & Marsh Area, Amphibious Excavator Breaks Traditional Construction Plan

2023-04-01T01:56:36+00:00Product News|

Due to our growing population and the desire to improve the quality of life, excessive consumption of natural resources and unchecked urbanization has accelerated the deterioration of our natural environment. [...]

11 06, 2021

Environment Improvement Project in Maozhou River of Shenzhen — Dredging with Amphibious Excavator

2023-03-18T02:07:58+00:00Construction Project, Technical News|

The total investment of Maozhou River water environment improvement project located in Shenzhen launched in 2018 was about US$680 million. The project includes altogher three EPC packages as river course [...]