amphibious excavator

28 10, 2020

China’s largest amphibious excavator manufacturing base —–Dashahu, the hometown of water digging

2023-03-18T02:20:00+00:00Company News|

Honghu Dashahu Farm located in Jingzhou City, Hubei Province, which is well known for Dashahu, the largest lake in the district. In November 1957, the Jingzhou Prefectural Committee of the Communist [...]

17 09, 2020

Introduction and use tips of RIVER MACHINERY amphibious excavator undercarriage chain

2023-03-18T02:28:15+00:00Product News|

The type of chain structure used in our factory is roller chain, which is a simple, reliable and efficient power transmission device. Roller chain is the key component to improve [...]

14 09, 2020

The advantages and design characteristics of RIVER MACHINERY amphibious excavator undercarriage, pontoon, chain and chain plate .

2023-03-18T02:30:32+00:00Product News|

Chain structure Amphibious excavator pontoon chain (roller chain) of RIVER MACHINERY can be divided into two-rows group and three-rows group. When pontoon chain needs to bear large load and transfer [...]

17 07, 2020

What is the better match pontoon undercarriage for an amphibious excavator?

2021-01-13T06:01:18+00:00Product News|

Regarding the floating tanks of amphibious excavators, many customers instinctively feel that the larger the floating tank, the better. So, is this the case? River Machinery editor made corresponding analysis [...]

14 07, 2020

[Fortune story] Amphibious excavator user Mr Yang’s differentiated business management.

2023-03-18T02:40:17+00:00Company News|

Honghu, located in Central South of Hubei Province, a place known as the "Kidney of Hubei", has 102 lakes in the city. And is an important Wetland Nature Reserve in [...]

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